Press Kit

Short Biography

Infusing folk with indie-pop melodies and alternative lyrics, Catherine Bullock is a Pōneke/Wellington based singer-songwriter destined to become your next favourite solo act. They play all over Wellington from The Welsh Dragon and Moon Bar, to the Auntie Social Lounge! Taking inspiration from the likes of Orla Gartland, The Beths, and The Bleachers, she has been writing songs since she was 11, writing about growing up, relationships of all sorts, and learning to love life.

As well as being known for her singer-songwriter music, Catherine is currently studying Sonic Arts, Music Technologies, and Physics at Victoria University. She produces all of her own work from her bedroom and is constantly looking to upskill in any genre.

“Catherine is an excellent performer and great to work with; she worked her set well around our event’s atmosphere and was a huge crowd-pleaser”

Liv Trass, Licensee and Producer of TEDxYouth@TeAro 2019

“As I turned my head to the left I found there were hanging sunflowers above the bar in luminescent white lights and it seemed to align with what I was hearing. My particular favourite lyric was ‘Hope does more than smile at me’.”

Sharne Molloy-Turpin at


Press Coverage

“As I turned my head to the left I found there were hanging sunflowers above the bar in luminescent white lights and it seemed to align with what I was hearing. My particular favourite lyric was ‘Hope does more than smile at me’.” – Sharne Molloy-Turpin at Read the Full Review Here.

Artist Profile.

Featured Videos

December Birthdays – Catherine Bullock
Petals – Catherine Bullock

Featured Audio

Wisdom Teeth – Catherine Bullock
Musée d’Orsay – Catherine Bullock


For bookings or professional inquiries, please email